Community Choruses

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YPC’s Community Chorus Program began in 2012 when Artistic Director/Founder Francisco J. Núñez established the first community chorus in Washington Heights to provide more children with the opportunity to participate in YPC’s award-winning choral program. In 2015, YPC established its second community chorus at the Goddard Riverside Community Center on the Upper West Side. The program is directed by YPC Assistant Conductor Maria Peña.

Children in YPC community choruses attend after school rehearsals led by YPC-trained conductors and professional accompanists. Each chorus performs concerts throughout the year within their community and throughout New York City. Rehearsals are hosted by YPC Community Partners.

The Young People’s Chorus of New York City at Washington Heights (YPCWH)

Established 2012 | Maria C. Peña, Associate Conductor

  • Singers ages 8 to 10
  • Meets on Thursdays in the Washington Heights neighborhood
  • Young singers develop proper posture, breath control, and musicality while honing their sight-reading and music literacy skills. They also build confidence in performance, combining singing with choreography. Choristers take the stage 3-4 times a year at venues across New York City.
The Young People’s Chorus of New York City - Voce

Formerly called YPC at Washington Heights Senior Chorus

Established 2014 |  Maria C. Peña, Associate Conductor

  • Singers ages 10 to 16
  • Meets on Thursdays in the Washington Heights neighborhood
  • Young People build upon skills in singing, musicality, sight-reading, and music literacy, and continue building upon performance skills, including choreography. They sing unison, two- and three-part repertoire in many styles and languages. Choristers perform 3-4 times per year in venues across New York City.
The Young People’s Chorus of New York City at Goddard Riverside (YPCGR)

In residence at Goddard Riverside Bernie Wohl Center
647 Columbus Avenue, Upper West Side, Manhattan
Established 2015 | Ahra Cho, Conductor

  • Singers ages 8 to 11
  • Meets on Thursdays at the Bernie Wohl Center
  • Young singers develop proper posture, breath control, and musicality while honing their sight-reading and music literacy skills. They also build confidence in performance, combining singing with choreography. Choristers take the stage 3-4 times a year at venues across New York City.


To request an audition, please complete the audition application. For more information, please email or call the Chorus at 212-289-7779. Scholarships are available as needed.