YPC’s programming is more than music education. By supporting each chorister’s academic success, YPC not only encourages college and career readiness, but civic engagement, as well as longer term outcomes related to their health and well-being. Through intentional engagement with choristers and their families by means of a carefully crafted curriculum and daily check-ins, YPC choristers are able to articulate their sense of identity, manage their emotions, learn executive functioning, and contribute to a global society. YPC is committed to constantly evaluating the effectiveness of our SEL initiatives, to ensure that choristers are thriving in an environment best suited that caters to individual needs and learning styles.
Through an ongoing partnership with Empire Edge, YPC has professional tutors on site several days a week, to provide general support with schoolwork. Choristers often choose to arrive ahead of their afternoon rehearsals, in order to take advantage of this free service. Choristers needing additional support in specific classes can request individual subject tutoring.
A technology workspace for chorister use, including Mac desktops and free printing services. YPC also has laptops available for choristers to check out, making sure that every chorister has access to the technology they need in order to complete their schoolwork.
From daily check-ins to one-on-one tutoring, choristers receive the assistance they need to stay ahead, excel in school and graduate from high school on time, ready for what lies ahead. YPC staff members work on an individual basis with choristers to identify their needs.
Choristers are given the tools they need to navigate the entire college application process. Example offerings include:
Since 2015, YPC has awarded over $1,000,000 in college scholarships to outstanding alumni. Generous support from the Charlotte Daniels Harris Fund of the New York Community Trust and the YPC Board of Trustees has allowed us to sponsor outstanding alumni as they pursue post-secondary opportunities.